BIOL 112 - Evolution, Ecology and Biology of Organisms
Dr. Gorka Sancho
Department of Biology - College of Charleston - Grice Marine Laboratory


  • Course Syllabus (Spring 2003)

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this course is to provide biology majors with the foundation necessary to advance into advanced biology courses. This is a very broad course, covering many different topics in order to familiarize students with concepts and principles in evolution and ecology and introduce the diversity of life on Earth. Students learn about Darwinian evolution, biodiversity, the structure and function of major organ systems, and how organisms interact with each other and their environment. Together with the required lab course (112L), this class will provide students with an understanding of the scientific method i.e. hypothesis testing.

I very strongly encourage students to speak up in class, with questions, answers or comments. There are no dumb questions. Please do not feel intimidated, I am easily approachable and hope to develop a highly interactive relation with you. We will all have a better experience in an interactive classroom!


Dr. Gorka Sancho
Department of Biology
College of Charleston
205 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, SC 29412
(843) 953-9194

Gorka's Homepage
Department of Biology
College of Charleston
Grice Marine Laboratory